Online Giving

Thank you for choosing to support Remsen St. Mary's Schools with an Annual Appeal gift, or St. Mary's Schools with a Memorial to a loved one who has passed, or an Honorarium to remember a friend or relative on a joyous occasion. Your gift helps St. Mary's Schools to fulfill its mission, "To act justly, to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with our God." Micah 6:8. 

Click to Donate to the RSM Annual Appeal:

Annual Appeal

Click to Donate to RSM Memorials & Honorariums:

Memorials Honorariums

Thank you for donating to Remsen St. Mary's Schools. All gifts will be "Unrestricted School" unless you specify differently. You will receive acknowledgement of your gift. Annual Appeal, Memorials, and Honorariums will also be acknowledged in the alumni newsletter, St. Mary's Today. In addition, Annual Appeal donors are remembered by name through daily prayer, a few each day, at St. Mary's Schools.

Thank you for all your gifts of time, talent, and treasure in support of Remsen St. Mary's Schools!